Shared e-scooters also differ from personal ones: the latter are light, small and foldable, since people take them on the underground, put them in the cars and store them on shelves. Shared scooters are both comfortable and sturdy without any fragile elements in them: the steering wheel, the sole, the rack and the frame are solid, which makes them as safe and comfortable as possible.
And last, but not the least , our e-scooters
are smarter than consumer grade models . Every whoosh-bike is equipped with an IoT-module, which stays constantly in touch with our own sharing platform. We can see all the information about the scooter's condition in real time and step in when help is needed. For example, when the system recognizes a theft attempt, it transmits a signal and a geotag to the RRT (Rapid Response Team), so no scooter can be stolen.